• 0538 059 00 11

  • info@elitesolarenerji.com.tr

Commercial Roofing Applications

Commercial Roofing Applications

Instead of keeping your roofs empty, you can meet your own energy needs by using Solar Energy systems, which are the most popular of renewable energy sources. You can start saving instantly by paying the installments of the system as if you were paying an electricity bill or with a lower payment plan.

Residential Applications

Residential Applications

It is now very easy to generate electricity with solar energy, which has only been used for hot water production in our country. The use of solar systems, which convert the sun's rays into electricity, is rapidly becoming widespread in the world, especially in developed countries, with the decrease in panel prices.

Land Applications

Land Applications

By installing high-capacity solar power plants, you can invest with a 10-year dollar-based government purchase guarantee. You can make use of your idle lands, which are unsuitable for agricultural activities, with solar systems and bring them into the economy.

Agricultural Irrigation Applications

Agricultural Irrigation Applications

We reset our energy costs by carrying water from lakes, streams and underground waters to our agricultural areas with the electricity obtained from solar energy. It works smoothly with all pump types, especially solar energy submersible pump - surface pump - solar pump.