The identity of our young executive staff, researchers, following high technology and emphasizing quality has become the character of the company, and this vision has made our company a company that is followed in the domestic and foreign market in a short time.
All periodical maintenance services that your power plant needs will be provided by our expert staff.
In line with the determined project and optimum design, we guarantee to produce long-lasting system components in accordance with quality standards and regulations with our expert suppliers.
With our professional operation and maintenance unit, special software and remote monitoring infrastructure, the power plants that we have completed are kept under control for 24 hours and operational maintenance services are provided.
In line with the needs of our investors, turn-key installation (EPC) services are provided, starting from the idea stage and including the power plant to production.
Renewable energy
Thanks to the solar power plant we will set up for you, your energy costs will decrease. As electricity prices increase, you will earn more.
Opportunity to Sell Surplus Production to the State
Short Term Depreciation Period
You Will Not Be Affected by the Price Increase in Electricity Tariffs